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Independent Study with Allison K Williams

Genre: Writing
Location: Madeline Island

Independent Study with Allison K Williams

Only 2 Spaces Left

Instructor: Allison K Williams

About This Workshop

A limited number of independent study places are available, for novelists & memoirists working on a manuscript, and nonfiction writers creating book proposals, who prefer to work one-on-one with Allison. Independent study includes:
  • Before the retreat, feedback on 50 pages and your synopsis*, and a pre-retreat Zoom consult to plan your week on Madeline Island. Allison will suggest how to spend your time based on your manuscript’s needs.
  • The option to attend classes as needed throughout the week for your goals
  • Daily check-ins for questions and accountability
  • A mid-week meeting to discuss how your work is going
  • After the retreat, feedback on 25 additional pages and a post-retreat check-in to sustain your progress
Independent study is best for authors who already understand dramatic structure and have a clear sense of their story. You can be on any draft, but be prepared to write/revise a whole lot in a short time. If you’re planning to do a first draft, Allison can make sure you’re heading the right direction.
*For writers working on proposals, Allison will provide a sample structure and review your entire proposal including sample chapters. You and Allison will determine how to split the material into pre- and post-retreat reviews. Your post-retreat consult can focus on the querying/submission process.
If you’re interested in this option, please email with a brief statement of where you are in your writing process, what you’d hope to accomplish in the week, and a 10-page writing sample.

Workshop Details

Dates: 09/16/2024 to 09/20/2024
Level: All Levels
Tuition: 895.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 09/16/2024

Departure Date: 09/20/2024

Ordering Online is 100% Safe & Secure


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