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Your Path to Publication

Genre: Writing
Location: MISA West (Santa Fe)

Your Path to Publication

Spaces Available

Instructor: Allison K Williams

About This Workshop

Is your novel, memoir or collection almost ready for the world? Are you questioning what “ready” means, and how to get there? This week, create your submission package, polish your first pages, and learn the next steps for your best path to publication.

Whether your goal is a Big Five publisher, small literary press, hybrid or self-publishing, this retreat is a remarkable opportunity to get your manuscript into selling shape.

Make your first pages captivating to agents, editors and readers. Draft your query and synopsis painlessly (and solve a few plot problems along the way!). Learn how to research and vet agents and publishers and identify which method of publication is right for you.

Each day includes writing craft lessons, insider publishing information, and live-editing of participant work to show the principles in action. Each writer will also have a one-on-one meeting with Allison for personal guidance.

Our Time Together:
Day One: Story and Market. You’ll get an advance video lesson on writing the synopsis, and we’ll analyze live on the first day to see if your story is wandering—or compelling. Learn to find “comparative titles” that show agents where your work fits the market—and help you reach your readers directly.
Day Two: First Pages, First Steps. Your opening pages must show your voice, the theme and “rules” of the book, and an engaging protagonist—discover key craft techniques to hook readers right away. In the afternoon, we’ll discuss how to find reputable agents and publishers, and how to identify bad actors and too- good-to-be-true scams.
Day Three: Please Read More! Write a sharp, focused query that makes agents read on. Learn components of successful queries (we’ll live-edit a few to show what works), and draft or revise yours until it beckons attention. We’ll also look at synopsis revisions.
Day Four: Who Should I Query? Start your query list with fast research techniques and resources you need to see what agents and publishers really want. For self-publishers, we’ll look at hybrid options and what makes great cover design. In the afternoon, we’ll dive back into revised first pages.
Day Five: Getting Out the Door. We’ll live-edit revised queries, practice our pitches to easily talk about our books, and have a Zoom visit from a New York literary agent who will give feedback on pitches and concepts.

Who should attend this retreat:

  • This retreat is suitable for memoirists, novelists and essay/short story writers who want to publish traditionally, independently, or with a hybrid publisher.
  • Your book doesn’t have to be complete—planning ahead gives you a clear target!—but you will get more out of our week together if you have a clear sense of your plot and at least three chapters written.
  • If you’re writing a book proposal before finishing the manuscript, you’ll still need query, synopsis and marketing info as well as great first pages.

Allison works with literary and commercial fiction, memoir and narrative nonfiction, as well as business books and self-help. She’s helped writers sell to Big Five and literary publishers, hit the NYT Bestseller list, and sign multi-book and six-figure deals.

Workshop Details

Dates: 03/24/2025 to 03/28/2025
Level: All Levels
Tuition: 895.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 03/24/2025

Departure Date: 03/28/2025

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