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Alla Prima Portrait Painting

Genre: Studio Painting
Location: Madeline Island

Alla Prima Portrait Painting

Spaces Available

Instructor: David Shevlino

About This Workshop

In this class we’ll alternate between painting the portrait and figure alla prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, direct response to our subjects.  There will be a painting demonstration and lots of class time for students to work from live models with a different pose each day. The focus will be on economy of brush strokes, simplifying the head/figure and seeing it in terms of basic shapes and planes described by light and shadow.  We’ll also talk about basic concepts like proportions, value, color mixing and paint application. This approach helps us to paint our subjects with greater understanding, expression and directness.

The class will be particularly helpful for those who want to move from a tight painting style to a  looser, economical paint application.

Workshop Details

Dates: 06/23/2025 to 06/27/2025
Level: All Levels
Tuition: $950.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 06/23/2025

Departure Date: 06/27/2025

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