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Dye, Dance, Stitch

Genre: Fiber Arts Quilting
Location: Madeline Island

Dye, Dance, Stitch

Spaces Available

Instructor: This Course has 3 Instructors
Irene Roderick
Malka Dubrawsky
Carson Converse

About This Workshop

This groundbreaking 6 day workshop will take you from the very beginning of a quilt by dyeing your own fabric with Malka Dubrawsky through design and piecing improvisationally with Irene Roderick and unique quilting with Carson Converse. You will spend 2 days with each instructor learning their areas of expertise!  You will go home with a quilt about 30”x30” that you have created with your unique fabrics and style.  

For the first two days, Malka will focus on gradient dyeing and color choice technique.  She will walk you through the essentials of direct dyeing fabric with fiber reactive dyes.  You will create both a hand-dyed ombre range as well as a gradient range across multiple pieces.

Irene will take over on day 3 and using your newly dyed fabric, she will teach you her Dancing With The Wall method of improv quilting to create a 30×30” quilt top.

In the last two days, Carson will teach you about quilting design considerations such as thread choice, stitch density, and how to use line and textural elements to enhance your piece. You will sketch designs on paper, create small samples, and finally begin quilting the top you made in class.

All three instructors will be in the classroom every day to assist and support you through every technique and answer all your questions.



Workshop Details

Dates: 09/23/2024 to 09/28/2024
Level: All Levels
Tuition: $1250.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 09/23/2024

Departure Date: 09/28/2024

Ordering Online is 100% Safe & Secure


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