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Jane Davies

Genre: Mixed Media

Jane Davies

Jane Davies began her career as a potter, having studied ceramics at Bennington College and The School For American Crafts at R.I.T. In the early 2000’s Davies transitioned into freelance art, creating designs for manufactured products, including ceramics, fabrics, home furnishings, and more. Jane left the freelance art world in 2010 to focus on painting and teaching workshops.

Today she offers workshops in painting, collage and encaustic nationwide, focusing on helping people to find a personal and playful approach to art making. Jane has shown her work regionally and nationally and published three books on collage and mixed media, one on ceramics. Jane currently resides in Vermont.

Watch a short video about Jane and her process by following the link below –
Jane Davies the Artist

Scheduled Workshops

    • Mix-It-Up Mark Making

    • Mixed Media

    • Jane Davies

    • Madeline Island

    • Start Date: 07/28/2025

      End Date: 08/01/2025

    • $1,095.00

      Learn More