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Mix-It-Up Mark Making

Genre: Mixed Media
Location: Madeline Island

Mix-It-Up Mark Making

Spaces Available

Instructor: Jane Davies

About This Workshop

We all make marks of one kind of another, whether doodling while on the phone, drawing a map or diagram, or making art. In this workshop you will make marks in a wide variety of materials and discover techniques through which you can express your unique voice. Instead of going on autopilot when making marks, celebrate their expressive qualities and expand your visual vocabulary. We will use drawing media, paint, and collage, combining them into exciting new images. Surprise yourself with Mix-It-Up Mark Making.

You will learn:
 About composition with contrasting marks
 What makes a repetitive pattern compelling
 The importance of negative space
 Some new tools and techniques

Workshop Details

Dates: 07/28/2025 to 08/01/2025
Level: Advanced Beginner
Tuition: $1095.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 07/28/2025

Departure Date: 08/01/2025

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