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Sketching with Textiles

Genre: Quilting
Location: MISA West (Santa Fe)

Sketching with Textiles

Spaces Available

Instructor: Tara Faughnan

About This Workshop

Get ready to dive into a world of colors, techniques, and beautiful quilt studies in this intensive 5 day class. Explore vibrant colors, learn new techniques, and let your imagination run wild as you create beautiful small quilt studies.
Small studies are not just about creating beautiful pieces, they are about tapping into your own brand of creativity and developing ideas that can become the foundation for larger quilts.
Tara will lead students in an inspirational workshop of sketching with textiles. In this class you will delve into color interaction, the importance of value in creating movement, and how the use of shape can tell a story. Students will work through a variety of exercises to create several small design studies, and can work any of these into a full size quilt afterwards.

Workshop Details

Dates: 05/12/2025 to 05/16/2025
Level: Advanced Beginner to Advanced
Tuition: $975.00
Materials List: Download




Tuition: $0

Lodging and Meal Options: $0

Total: $0 (plus tax) - Just $25% Minimum Deposit Required

Arrival Date: 05/12/2025

Departure Date: 05/16/2025

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